I have provided service to various professional organizations in TESOL and applied linguistics, ranging from special issue editing, conference proposal reviewing, to editorial board service. I strive to make impact on the professional community drawing on my expertise and knowledge. Of particular note, I make efforts to socialize my graduate students into an academic culture that fosters an appreciation for research, critical inquiry, self-reflection, and discovery. I mentor them through the perspective of Lave & Wenger’s (1991) situated learning: Enabling them to be engaged in the entire process of scholarly practices, moving from legitimate peripheral participation to full participation.
Professional Service
Associate Editor: Journal of Second Language Writing
Forum Editor: Language Teacher Education and Technology, Language Learning & Technology​
Journal Editorial Board Member
Language Learning & Technology
Journal of Second Language Writing
Computers and Composition
International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching
Manuscript Reviewer for Other Journals​
Modern Language Journal
System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics
TESOL Quarterly
TESOL Journal
Language Teaching Research
Journal of English for Specific Purposes
Foreign Language Annals
Journal of Response to Writing
Asia Pacific Education Researcher
Computers and Education
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Language Awareness
Language Teaching
Interactive Learning Environments
Book project reviewer for Springer Nature: English language education series
AAAL conference Language and Technology strand co-coordinator
How to Succeed in Job Interviews (PDF)
How to Review Conference Proposals (PDF)
How to Review Peer-Refereed Journals (PDF)
The Course "Professing English" invited speaking (PDF)